Our Relationship With Nonhuman Animals

The human connection between animals is very fascinating. We are actually animals as well. Though, when most of us think about animals, we don’t think of ourselves as animals, but other animals as animals. When we say to someone, “you’re an animal” do we know what we are actually saying? Is this a compliment or is it meant to be an insult?

In our world, we think of other animals as lesser than us. That they have less intelligence than us because we can form languages, can construct buildings, drive a car or get a university degree. But these things do not mean we are more intelligent, but rather, it just means we can do some things that other beings cannot. Nonhuman animals do indeed have their own languages amongst their species. They do have traits that we do not. Some can burrow, swim, fly, and live in extreme climates and temperatures, and they do not need technology to do so like we do. Nonhuman animals can form bonds and friendships that last a lifetime, and they are also sentient just like us. Even molluscs like octopusses and clams are seen fleeing from danger. So they too want to live a life of peace and freedom. They don’t want to be abused, eaten or enslaved, just like we don’t. We don’t know much about their lives. Science is at its infancy stage, a part of our herding culture, and so we can’t put our full trust in it. To us animals are different; a lesser form than us. They are seen as others. And even though to an extent they are different from us in many ways, we both share many similarities and traits.

It is humans that in fact evolved for the worse who kill and destroy for the mere enjoyment and taste. Animals only kill when absolutely necessary; for sustenance or protection. It is never for taste or pleasure. The idea that humans are superior to all other lifeforms is what is wrong with our culture today. We cannot be intelligent, because intelligence is the ability to make vital connections. We can’t make the connections when it comes to our food choices and the beings that have to die for them, so, therefore, we cannot be considered intelligent. In the eons of time we’ve been here on Earth, we have evolved for the worst. We view nature and other creatures as property to be used and destroyed.

That is what humans are best at. Killing and destruction of life. Life is precious and so too is the Earth. But we think we are gods and can do as we please. On the other side humans also are capable of love, tenderness, empathy, and compassion. Because of our cultural program, these positive emotions have been hidden and suppressed within us. And it is also because of conformity to habitual and cultural practices that we don’t want to give up our old ways. Our ancient world of destroy and conquer no longer serves us. If we continue doing the same thing day in and day out and keep getting the same poor results, then we must change our lives, so we achieve positive results instead.

We want to conform. We don’t want to be the outcast of society. We don’t want to be the crazy vegan at the Thanksgiving celebration who only eats grass and twigs that doesn’t get their protein. I have been vegan since 2009 and don’t know how I could have survived all these years without protein, calcium, omega-3s or B12. Maybe someone else is writing this article under my name as I must surely be dead from the 24-hour protein deficiency. More omnivores actually die from heart attacks, cancers, diabetes, and other diseases every day compared to vegans dying from protein deficiencies.

Not only do I feel a whole lot healthier compared to when I was a corpse and secretion eater, but I also feel compassion for every creature and the Earth. I know many whole-food and raw vegans who have been living this life for many decades. This is proof that whole food vegans and fruitarians live long healthy lives full of vigour, love, purpose, and happiness. And we see those who eat animal products sick in hospitals, doctor’s offices, and nursing care centres. Not many vegans end up in these places, that’s for sure.

The relationship between animal and animal lover is strange. Most of these so-called “animal lovers” devourer the dead bodies and secretions of animals. Even animal loving vegetarians are cow pus and cheese, hen period, and bee vomit gobblers. They are not animal lovers. They are lovers of eating disgusting pus-filled, vomit, and butt period foods. These people are so choosy with what they eat and call vegan’s picky eaters when they don’t even consume dog milk or snake eggs. Pre-vegans are so full of hypocrisy it would fill a whole book volume of stupid justifications that have absolutely no merit. Screaming “Bacon” from their car window, “Where do you get your protein?” or “What about plant rights?” when they are mowing their grass, is totally insane and idiotic. What are these people trying to achieve?

As soon as someone goes vegan everyone is suddenly a doctor. They know everything about nutrition and protein. The same idiotic questions come up, and everyone is now an expert on why vegans will surely die within 24-hours. But the reality is, meat eating and secretion suckers don’t want to admit that they are the ones who are sickly and have a higher chance of dropping dead due to heart disease, cancers, diabetes or other animal food-related illnesses.

I know many people who preach health and nutrition and eat completely unhealthy. Processed potato chips and other junk foods and energy drinks, fish, oils, superfood and protein powders, alcohol and pus-filled cheese, hen’s period, and bee vomit can be found throughout their kitchen. They say yes to animal cruelty and death! Yes, too high LDL cholesterol, saturated fat, and acidifying animal protein which is hardening their arteries and destroying their hearts. And they also say yes to mass deforestation and ocean destruction. They are so full of nonsensical jibber-jabber coming from their lips, claiming to be health experts when you see them eating foods harmful to their bodies. They look and sound like fools.

Their relationship to nonhuman animals is but a few glimpses at naturally free-roaming animals in nature. “Oh let’s not kill animals and let them live free lives”, or they may rescue a dog or cat, and it makes them automatically animal lovers. They’re so brainwashed by society it isn’t funny. Actually, it’s sad that they are heavily indoctrinated. For the first twenty-six years of my life, I remember being hooked entirely to those foods as well. So I kind of understand how hard it is for most people to wrap their heads around the whole vegan idea.

Veganism is nothing to be afraid of, or is there anything extreme or fanatical about it. There is nothing extreme about caring for animals or the environment. What is extreme, is the rape, torture, stealing, and abuse of the animals because we want to continue eating meat, dairy, eggs, honey, etc. Even eating these foods in moderation is nonsense. Would we rape someone in moderation? Or steal from someone in moderation? No, we wouldn’t. We are no longer cave people nor are we stranded on a desert island or living a sustenance life with no food to eat but animals. Let’s get our heads out of the sand and start thinking for ourselves for a change and stop following our culture and quack doctors and health experts that don’t know zilch about plant diet nutrition. Instead, we should listen to our heart values of love and compassion. This is the only way to true peace and freedom. Be vegan because the animals don’t need your petty excuses.

To learn more, get my book Our Path to Freedom: How We Can Live a Freer and a More Peaceful Life.