Eden Utopia

We live in a world of desperate times. Is there still hope for a world at peace, without destruction, suffering, and violence? Can we live in a world where there are no wars, diseases, competition, fear, and animosity towards each other? Indeed we can. It is so simple, yet we turn a blind eye to the idea and think it can never be achieved. It is because our culture programs fear and negativity in us that we feel life is so bleak and doom to failure.

If we want to get back to a similar world to that of Eden, a utopian Earth where everything is beautiful and the people are all loving and caring, and where there is no violence of any kind, we need to emulate just that. If we want to live in such a world, not only do we have to exhibit thoughts of loving-kindness, but also practise being loving, kind, and caring towards all life.

Just look at what humanity is doing. Consumerism and materialism abound us, with the many unnecessary stores feeding our buying addictions. We are a throwaway society. After a while, we throw away our clothes or electronics only to buy new ones which are sweatshop produced. Most goods end up in landfills which eventually goes into the oceans or are scattered all around the streets, parks, and neighbourhoods. Just look at all the fast food joints and hot dog stands that surround us with the many unhealthy foods of animal origin that leaves people sick and depressed. We think we are free, but if we really are, why do we need a passport, driver’s license or to obtain visas just to travel, when it should be our birthright to travel freely?

If we live in peace and freedom, why are wars raging around the world? Why are governments, politicians, and countries up in roar with each other? Why is the mass-media feeding us fear-based programming? Are we being duped and lied to?

There is another way to live, but people chose not to listen to it. It is starring at them right in the face. Eden Utopia is the answer. It is a world similar to that of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Everything was peaceful. No violence, no governments, no separation, no materialism or consumerism, no suffering, no wars, guns or slaughterhouses; none of that. It was pure bliss, heaven. Most of us would love to experience such a world. However, we don’t want to give up our egotistical and materialistic ways. Why? Why do we continue justifying the violence we cause? Why do we keep with our old ways, when they no longer work? Why are we the way we are?

It scares me that humanity is on the brink of extinction in a world on the verge of collapse. But what frightens me even more, is that we will take with us thousands if not tens or hundreds of thousands of other species with us in the process. Why can’t we awaken to the understanding of the violence we are causing on a whole-range, and align our values with our innate goodness of kindness and compassion towards all life? Why do we think our daily actions are causing no suffering and destruction at all? Why?

I can’t comprehend the fact that people continuously justify all the violence in their lives. I talk about love and peace, and people call me an extremist and fanatic. People want to live with love, but they don’t want to give up their current way of living. If people want to live with an abundance of love, they need to give their love to all creatures.


“In fact, our word “capital” derives from capita, Latin for “head,” as in head of cattle.”

Will Tuttle, Author of The World Peace Diet


We are content on the mass-media programming news and TV commercials into us that is hardening our hearts and deadening our souls. We are comfortable with purchasing the flesh and secretions of brutally tortured animals which are making us sick, depressed, and unhappy, and which eventually sends us to the hospital. Which then ultimately leads us to the morgue and cemetery.

This is the root of the problem that people don’t want to face. They choose not to unveil the curtain to see what is behind it. Instead, they blame governments and corporations for the problems that plague humanity, while hypocritically they support governments through voting, paying taxes, mass-programming, purchasing and renewing their licenses, permits, visas, and more. Not only is this outright ridiculous and insane, but this is also a perverted way of living. On top of all of this, people are depressed, so they take pharmaceuticals to try reliving their illnesses which is of their own making. They then get addicted to eating unhealthy foods, smoking (e)cigarettes/cigars, drinking alcohol, taking heavy drugs, and watching pornography and other violent and obscene imagery which ends up polluting their minds and hearts. We live in a patriarchal society where men tend to view women as sexual objects be used and exploited. That is why rapes, theft, killings, and other crimes are ever so common. When will we ever learn to live with love? Not just love for ourselves, our families or for the environment; but love for the whole web of life.


“I just revel in the fact that I am able to come here and spend time with people who have the opportunity to change the world. And from the bottom of my heart, I will tell you that we need to change the world, or our society as we know it will not survive.”

Howard Lyman, 4th generation cattle rancher and author of Mad Cowboy


I know we are not an inherently evil species, and that’s why I have faith that humanity will awaken to the natural compassion and wisdom that is instilled within us. I don’t think many of us wake up each day and think about who we’re going to kill and rape. But that is precisely what we do when we purchase the flesh/meat, dairy, eggs, and honey from extremely abused and tortured animals. And even if we do purchase animal products from small-scale or backyard operations, we see animals as property and food. Eventually, all animals go to their deaths, prematurely.

If humanity continues to view nonhuman animals as food and property, nothing will get better in our world. We will continue to have strife and conflicts with one another not ever knowing why or how to solve any of them. If we are satisfied on living in our current society and never question and unlearn anything we’ve been taught by well-meaning parents, families, and teachers, we will surely be doomed to failure. Not knowing is ignorance. There is plenty of information on the internet and through books to know what is happening. The mass-media, governments, animal agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and all industries and institutions are working together trying hard to cover up the deception. But no longer can we be complacent and ignorant of the facts despite there being tons of information out there. There is no excuse; none at all.

To learn more, get my book Our Path to Freedom: How We Can Live a Freer and a More Peaceful Life.